The Stuff

The Stuff

Thursday, November 7, 2013


I view it as a game that I will win! I have beads, good beads, and I will give them out to those that earn the beads. I am not related to any female so begging does not work with me. If you are on Bourbon Street and want beads earn them. The game is for girls to get all the beads they can on Bourbon Street without flashing. You give beads away and they walk five feet and flash for me because I’m not giving beads away, you must earn them.

On Parade routes they give beads away, on Bourbon Street you earn your beads by flashing something. Lol. By giving beads away for not flashing reinforces the no flashing for beads. “Why should I flash when they are giving beads away.” Make them earn their beads. 

I plan to post a blog with pictures from the 2014 Mardi Gras of the losers that give beads away for nothing. (Loser = the one’s who’s mothers had to tie a pork chop around their neck for the dog to play with them)

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