The Stuff

The Stuff

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Art of Negotiation

The art of the negotiation on Bourbon Street is not difficult unless you are a greedy person or dealing with a greedy person; One display of the breast for one strand of beads. Simple or so you would think. I have seen this simple process go so horribly wrong. Girls wanting multiple strands of beads for one flash of their breast.

Know what you want for your beads. Sit down and think what you want for your beads, being realistic. [I want a flash, I want a long flash, I want to see your pussy.] Know what you want for the beads before you are asked “What do you want for these beads?”

Before we go any further lets define the world “Flash”, a Bourbon Street “flash” is a 5-10 second display of the breast or genitals (showing items below the waist and above the knees is illegal, but tolerated on Bourbon Street for females, males go directly to jail). Simple, but some young ladies take the word flash to heart and flash and get nothing the deal is blown. I put it simply, “I want a good flash for the camera.” No camera no beads.

In recap; keep the negotiation simple and to the point. Know what you want for your beads and say want you want. The answer will be either yes or no, more often yes.

There is more to the Art of Negotiation, but this is only a little part.

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